St. Mary’s is not a huge church, but it’s a place that, if you wanted to, you could slip in and slip out each weekend. But we believe Jesus intended more for us as His church.
We know what God is doing here is special, and we want you to have a part in that. We want you to connect with the people you go to church with and build relationships and community. At St. Mary’s, while we encourage membership we celebrate participation. And there are many ways to jump in with what we’re doing here. We have a saying here at St. Mary’s – Every Member is a Minister. It is a deep theological concept but in simple terms it means that you don’t have to be a trained pastor to serve. We believe the best way to draw the people of Eagle River in to a life changing relationship with Jesus is by jumping in and letting God use you. When people see us really making a difference for our community we think they’ll want to become a part of it. We all grow spiritually as we serve others and share our faith with them. We have a lot of ministries you can get involved in. The Needs Ministry provides free clothing to the poor. The Community Dinners connect food pantry recipients with the rest of the community over a meal. Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child provides joy in a shoebox for children around the world. There are many more ways to serve at St. Mary’s. Get InvolvedAt St. Mary’s we really want to make a difference in our community, in our country and in the world. In order to do so we need people to get involved.
There are many ways to be involved…
call (715) 891-6279 or submit an email from the "Contact" page. We will help you get plugged in. |